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2012 Election Panel Discussion - October 2012
Social Media's Impact on 2012 Presidential Election : 'This Week' Panel Discussion
Do Presidential Debates Change Elections? : 'This Week' Panel Discussion
Common Hour Highlights: The 2012 Presidential Election—Money, Ideology, and Personality
The Race to the White House: US Election Panel 2012
State of the 2012 Presidential Election Race: 'This Week' Roundtable Discussion
MTSU Pre-Election Policy Discussion, October 17 2012
2012 Presidential Election Debate
Jim Lehrer to Moderate First 2012 Presidential Debate October 3, 2012
Meet the Press - Has the Race Changed? - October 7, 2012
2012 Presidential Debate Fallout, Romney Vs Obama; 'This Week' Roundtable Discussion
2012 Presidential Debate: Mitt Romney, President Obama Cram for First Date